Started our new feature about Happiness in Liechtenstein
"Die Schule des Glücks" collects stories about happiness and puts them together to a panorama of experience in Vaduz.
Started our new documentary about wood in Latvia
Knock knock have a look here
Finished working with pupils in Berlin on their short fiction movie
"Der Zauberwald"
Finished working on a short fiction movie about team-spirit with a class in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen.
Finished working with pupils on their short fiction movie "Gadahol"
12 pupils finished a short fiction about robots together with me and are looking forward for our next dystopian story.
Finished working with Kindergarten on a wonderful dance video
Followed a Kindergarten-Dance group on their way to their huge and successful presentation in Berlin-Wedding
Vote for Suna Gürler in Schweizer Illustrierte
A nice shot in a very interesting article. Happy.
Preparing an actors face
Some people come along with 1000 stories
and one face
Preparing a Portrait session for Kids
Children at an early Age can be so mysterious
Click here to see more
Beauty Shot for a pregnant couple
What makes a woman beautiful?
Check it our here soon
Another Picture published in "Vaterland" on the theatre production Vergessen / Erinnern
Thomas Beck behind doors
Finished another Photo-Project with children
Social learning through developing, editing and publishing a short foto-story
First price for Treasures of the Sea at "Short for Work" Festival in Modena
Nice discovery in Modena at the Biagi-Foundation
Photography Workshop at Allegro Grundschule Berlin
Working with children on media output
Special shot for latvian newspaper.
Set photography is fun
Testing gear for a project on mobiles
"Die Eifersüchtige" is moving on
Preparing another Maedebach & Redeleit shot
The Berlin based architects Maedebach & Redeleit asked me to support their next project in Berlin
Treasures of the Sea at Festival International de Cortometrajes FENACO in Perú
XI Festival International FENACO in Cuzco
Sonnet 116 (Shakespeare/Doehlemann)
And yet another music video
Sonnet 66 (Shakespeare/Doehlemann)
New music video online, CD release soon
Treasures of the Sea goes to Uppsala International Shortfilm Festival
Sweden ahoi
Treasures of the Sea accepted at Fike 12th International Filmfestival
Treasures of the Sea visiting Portugal
Preparing a stop motion art project for Liepaja
Treasures of the Sea at Matsalu International Nature Filmfestival
Estonia is great
Finished Video Editing of Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 and 66 for Max Doehlemann
Artistic video in b/w shot for classic composer Max Doehlemann
Treasures of the Sea at Kansk Shortfilm Festival (Russia)
Kansk whit a great festival line-up
Treasures of the Sea at Ösel Shortfilm Festival
Finally made it to Saaremaa
Treasures of the Sea at Shnit International Shortfilmfestival
What a lucky surprise: SWITZERLAND!
Treasures of the Sea at Rezekne Film Festival 2014
"Open Place" International Film Festival
Treasures of the Sea at Concorto Film Festival 2014
Piacenza mi piace
Treasures of the Sea at 1st Reel Film Festival in Bumbershoot Festival Seattle
Excited and honoured
Treasures of the Sea selected for the independent filmfestival RoyaL
What an honor to show our movie where everything started
Preparing an image-film for Berlin based rowing club RG Wiking e.V. Berlin
Rowing is teamwork
Working on Maedebach & Redeleit shot
The Berlin based architects Maedebach & Redeleit asked me to support their next project in Berlin
Head Shot with actor Christian Beermann
What a fun loving session...
Commercial shooting for the theatre production "Golden Love"
Commercial shot for the theatre production "Golden Love" at Gorki Theatre Berlin
Preparing for Maedebach-Redeleit shot
The Berlin based architects Maedebach & Redeleit asked me to support their next project in Berlin
Preparing for our next documentary "Blueberry Spirits" in Latvia
On the way to shot a great next movie with a crew to build a dream on.
Treasures of the Sea invited at Okseø Festival 2014
Happily found a new treasure island at Okseø Festival (Denmark)
Fotoshooting with Suna Gürler of Maxim Gorki Theatre Berlin
Classical Head Shot for Swiss National Newspaper Basellandschaftliche Zeitung
Currently editing Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 for Max Doehlemann
Artistic video in b/w shot for classic composer Max Doehlemann
Music Video for Shakespeare's Sonnet 66 finished
Artistic video in b/w shot for classic composer Max Doehlemann
Treasures of the Sea wins first price at Watch Out! Filmfest in Tetovo (Macedonia)
Thank you Tetovo for your wonderful festival and see you soon in Macedonia
Treasures of the Sea screened at Watch Out! Filmfest in Tetovo (Macedonia)
Treasures of the Sea screened at Watch Out! on 23.5.2014 be there or be square
Treasures of the Sea won first prize at Filmfest Schleswig-Holstein 2014
Treasures of the Sea at Filmfest Schleswig Holstein
Treasures of the Sea will be screened at Film Fest Schleswig-Holstein on Saturday 29.3.2014
Treasures of the Sea screened in Radialsystem V on 28.02.2014
Our short poetic documentary at Nordlichter 2014